NOVABAA's Scalia Law BLSA Scholarship
NOVABAA is pleased to announce a partnership with the Scalia Law School for the disbursement of a book award to a current Scalia Law School BLSA Member. For those of you unaware, NOVABAA and the law school have been engaged in talks since last year with the incoming dean, Dean Ken Randall, regarding the matriculation rates of African Americans at the law school. He has been very open to engaging with NOVABAA and Mason Law alumni regarding efforts that we can assist the school with its outreach of prospective students, along with maintaining and mentoring the current students enrolled.
The enrollment numbers are not good. There are currently 6 African American students in the law school, total (day and evening classes). To his credit, Dean Randall has been transparent about his (and the school's) efforts to increase those numbers, and he openly agrees that the numbers are unacceptable.
NOVABAA approached Dean Randall about partnering with us for a BLSA Book Award. We proposed to present a Book Award to a current Scalia Law BLSA Member, and asked the school if they would match whatever our donation turns out to be. Dean Randall has agreed that the law school will match NOVABAA's book award.
Now is the fun part, Saints! We have an incredible opportunity to not only increase the morale with our younger brothers and sisters at Scalia Law, as well as mentor them and develop relationships with them that will (hopefully) carry them into NOVABAA's arms upon their graduation. This is also an opportunity to enhance NOVABAA's relationship with the only law school in Northern Virginia - one that many of us NOVABAA members (including myself) attended. And most importantly, this is an opportunity to put some money into the hands of a needy law student, during a pandemic, which has almost certainly made law school success more challenging. If you are interested in participating in the Book Award, please press this button and on the following page indicate that your donation is for the Book Award.
Whether it's $20, $50, $100 or more, Scalia Law will match your donation!
Donate to BLSA Book Award
The donation link will be active and open until our February General Body Meeting on February 8, 2022. If you have not already RSVP'd, you should do so here. At the February General Body Meeting we will announce the total amount of money raised by NOVABAA, and we will announce the final logistics of the application process for those seeking the Book Award. Applicants will need to write an essay on a topic to be assigned, which will be graded by NOVABAA members (if you wish to participate in reviewing essays, please contact me on the side). NOVABAA will communicate with Scalia Law our total amount raised so that they can match it. We will disburse the total amount at an event later in the month, date / location TBD (we're still finalizing the logistics of the venue).