NOVABAA's Bylaws Meeting

As with any organization, Bylaws require fine tuning from time to time. NOVABAA is no different. Our bylaws were installed in 2009, and since then many things have changed, including NOVABAA and how it does business, that necessitate that we review our bylaws.
Per our Article X of our current bylaws, we are required to give at least 30 days notice of the bylaws meeting, as well as 30 days notice of the proposed amendments. Proposed amendments may be made by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, or by written request of three (3) NOVABAA members in good standing. The proposed amendment will be put to a vote, and become law if a super majority (3/4) of the members in active standing at the Bylaws Meeting. In short, if you would like for your voice to be heard on any proposed amendments, you will have (1) to be an active dues paid member, and (2) be present at the Bylaws Meeting on September 20, 2022.
The Executive Committee has begun its review of NOVABAA's bylaws, the proposed amendments, no later than the (bylaws imposed) deadline of August 20, 2022. Any other member supported proposed bylaw amendments will also need to be submitted to membership (via the Executive Committee) by the same deadline.
NOVABAA's Bylaws Chair is Mr. Robert Bryan. If you have questions, or proposed amendments, you can reach out to them, or to Rex Flynn. In the meantime, if you would like to see the current NOVABAA Bylaws, please click here. If you would like to see the proposed amendments, please click here. To submit a proposed amendment, please submit to novabaa@gmail.com.