Good Day Saints,
It's that time of year again when we must select our next slate of Officers for the upcoming term. All four (4) NOVABAA offices (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) will be on the ballot. If you have any questions about the roles and responsibilities, you may contact me or any other officer, or consult our bylaws, here. We will be meeting via Zoom (the credentials will be provided later).
To formally express your interest, or to nominate someone else, please send an email to our Nominating Chair, Marcia Payne at marciapayne@gmail.com. Note to vote, nominate, and to be nominated, you must be a current dues paid member of NOVABAA. Note: per our bylaws, Honorary, Judicial and Student Members are unable to vote.
The slate of nominees will be announced at the November 1 nominations meeting. Per the bylaws, nominations from the floor will be accepted as well. The election will occur on November 22 at 7pm. For further questions, please feel free to contact me directly at president@novabaa.org.