Your Aunt Cleo just called your mom to let her know that Uncle Wilbur and Aunt Ernestine's house caught on fire, and they believe the contractor used shoddy materials. "Somehow" the fact that you're a hotshot lawyer came up, and they want you to take care of it, and restore the dignity to the family name. BUT, you don't handle these types of cases, and desperately want to refer someone good to Uncle Wilbur and Aunt Ernestine, because everyone knows that you will not know peace until Mom tells Aunt Cleo that "it's handled." (I'm sorry, am I venting - I think my PTSD is kicking in...)
IF ONLY there were a handy dandy NOVABAA Referral / Membership Directory for members to consult whenever they needed to refer a case to a quality member of our happy little home. Well the wait is over!
On behalf of our Membership Committee, and Chair Veronica Holmes, I am pleased to announce that NOVABAA is in the process of putting together a PDF Directory that will list our members, their practice areas (up to 5), and licenses in other states, along with other important tidbits. Now, you're probably thinking: "Don't we already have something similar on the website?" Yes. Yes, we do...Kinda. However, that information is really intended for outsiders seeking legal help, and not particularly suited for our own NOVABAA family seeking to refer their Dear Aunt Ernestine (who can't figure out how to log on to the website anyways) to a fine NOVABAA attorney.
We hope that you are as excited as this as we are. Our Membership Committee has some terrific ideas, and we are really excited about rolling out "The NOVABAA Pages" in Late April / Early May. This will be absolutely FREE to NOVABAA Members*! This is also, absolutely voluntary - in other words, nobody will be listed in the directory unless they want to be listed.
* - if you are not a NOVABAA Member, pay your dues, and then it'll be free for you too! :)
In addition to ifnorationa bout your practice, you are free to add your Birthday (month and day), and other information such as College, Law School, Spouse's name, etc.. I probably know the most current NOVABAA members, and I know for certain that there are spouse's and children of NOVABAA members that I've seen time and time again, but can't remember their name(s) - and I'm too embarrassed to ask! Hopefully this will help.
We intend to update / refresh the Membership Directory annually, and we hope that this is a benefit that excites you as much as it does, us! If you are interested in having your information published in the Directory, please click here!
The cut off time to submit your information into the Form will be March 31st. We hope to have the directory up and out to our dues paid members within one month after that.